We conduct our research as part of the larger, collaborative Molecular and Nanoscale Physics Group, benefiting from shared academic supervision and facilities.

George Heath
University Academic Fellow
EPSRC Open Fellow
School of Physics and Astronomy
School of Biomedical Sciences

Lekshmi Kailas
Molecular and Nanoscale Physics AFM Experimental Officer
Atomic Force Microscopy Experimental Officer 50% dedicated to High-Speed AFM, 50% to general AFM facilities

Abeer Alshammari
PhD Student
High-Speed AFM of membrane proteins
Co-supervised by Kevin Critchley and Robin Bon

Tabitha Storer
PhD Student
Development of Localization AFM and High-Speed AFM methods
Co-supervised by Neil Thomson

Maya Tekchandani
PhD Student
Development of AFM methods and dynamics of lipid membranes
Co-supervised by Peter Adams and Stephen Evans